今日推荐 拿破仑黑
闭上眼睛沉入黑色的睡眠 美梦才会降临。在艺术家眼中 从来没有怀疑过黑色的意义 它始终是艺术的基石 当月亮躲进云层 魅影般的黑色在暗夜中扩散 成为夜的统领者,沉默而神秘... In the eyes of artists, The significance of black has never been doubted, It has always been the cornerstone of art. When the moon hides in the clouds, The phantom-like black gradually spreads, Becoming the leader of the night... - 时光洗礼,天籁艺术 2024顺辉天成岩板的设计师们 再度引入宝格丽灵感缪斯 汲取名贵珍稀石材之精粹 将藏在石材里的艺术与岩语共鸣 -
With Bulgari as the muse of inspiration, we draw upon precious and rare stone elements,
The deep black tone is like a black hole in the night sky, provoking deep contemplation... Large patches of white texture spread wantonly and boldly, resembling rolling waves. -
在经典永不过时的黑白色对比碰撞 和波涛汹涌的海浪般的纹理间 构成了高级的视觉吸引力 拿破仑黑也因其摩登的花纹风格 受到许多高奢品牌的青睐 celine、bvlgari等门店均有应用 -
The contrast and collision of black and white is a classic that never goes out of style
全新胶水定位干粒技术,干粒堆叠部位形成凸起,呈柔亮光,触感柔润;干粒较少部位下陷,呈哑光,具有【粗犷】颗粒感,质感层层递进。每一寸,每一毫,都透露出顺辉天成岩板的品质与匠心。 -
纯黑与纯白的诠释 是一种返璞归真的探寻 身处静谧空间,心回冥想之境 让身心在黑白场里回归真我 理石系列Marble series|拿破仑黑